Party Lecture
In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, remember the glorious course of the Party, carry forward the fine tradition of the Party, strengthen the Party's faith and belief, and further enhance the awareness of discipline and rules of Party members, on the morning of 28th June, Lu Dan, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Anqing Foreign Language School, taught a party class with the theme of 'Do not forget the original intention and do not cross the red line' for the members of the General Party Branch and secretaries of each branch.
Specifically, Secretary Lu Dan made an in-depth interpretation of the Regulations from four aspects as follows: the background and characteristics of the revision of the new Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China, the interpretation of the main contents of the Regulations, and the interpretation of the six major disciplines by case. Meanwhile, Secretary Lu Dan asked everyone to lead all Party members to meticulously compare the 'Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China' and consciously find their own problems and shortcomings. Additionally, we should study and implement the 'Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China' in combination with practical education and teaching work, effectively give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, and promote the development of various work in the school with a good disciplinary style. 
To conclude, this party lesson has a distinct theme, prominent focus and rich contents, which further invigorates the spirit of Party members. Moreover, after class, the Party members expressed that they would continue to strengthen the study of the Regulations in their future work and life, deeply understand the Regulations, and actively practice the Regulations to strive to set an example of discipline and propriety.